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be heard, be seen, be well 

Holistic Psychotherapy

Online in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Why I Became a Therapist

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Throughout my childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood, I struggled to cope with the devastating impact of trauma after trauma after trauma. I experienced emotional pain, loss, grief, shame, anger, and self-blame. I felt weighed down with depression, anxiety, social isolation, and existential dread while navigating a bevy of dysfunctional relationships. There were times when I questioned whether it was even possible to heal from the pain because it feels never-ending when you are still healing. Through my own experience of therapy, I learned that it is possible to heal even the deepest of emotional wounds. Through therapy, I learned how to cultivate gratitude for all that I have experienced, to forgive others, to cultivate self compassion, and to nurture and appreciate myself before extending myself to anyone else.


Some of the most sparkling moments of my life have occurred in a therapist's office. By noticing my feelings, I came to know that if I became a therapist, I could help others experience the healing power of therapy.


I felt that even if I could only help one person by sharing what I had experienced and subsequently overcome, that I would be able to make a big difference in someone’s life, and perhaps a small difference in the world.


As a therapist and as an individual, I aspire to be the change I want to see in the world and to help others be the change that they want to see in the world.


I am honored to have the privilege of helping and empowering so many individuals and couples in cultivating their ability to heal from trauma while navigating their relationships and developing their intuitive gifts.


I believe I have made a small difference and I believe that you can make a difference too even if the only person you end up helping is you.



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